Missouri Medicine - The Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association
In publication since 1904, our target audience for the peer–reviewed, award–winning, bi–monthly Missouri Medicine: The Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association are MDs/DOs in the state of Missouri whether in private practice, academia, or hospital-employed. With a large and respected editorial board and regular participation by Missouri’s six medical schools on eight campuses, Missouri Medicine is among the nation’s foremost state medical journals. Printed mail count runs between 2000-2500 copies per issue. These are active and retired physicians. Our digital footprint is larger, as Missouri Medicine is indexed by Index Medicus, MEDLINE, PubMed, ProQuest, and Scopus. Complete issues archived at PubMed Central since 2010. Content appears on EBSCO Research databases. All members, including Active, Retired, Medical Students, and Residents receive a link to the digital Missouri Medicine found at Missouri Medicine Library. Articles are frequently cited in impact factor journals and regularly featured in national media. Manuscripts are submitted from many countries. Issues of Missouri Medicine are printed on acid–free paper with open access to digital issues available at Missouri Medicine Library. Annual subscription price for non-members is $120.00. Subscription for members is included in the annual membership dues. Single, entire issues are $15.00, if available. Contact Missouri Medicine Editor: John C. Hagan, III, MD, FACS, FAAO / drjhagan3@gmail.com Missouri MedicineManaging Editor: Lizabeth R.S. Fleenor, BJ, MA / lfleenor@msma.org |
2025 Editorial Calendar
January/February 2025: Translational Science - Washington University
March/April 2025: Geriatrics - Saint Louis University
May/June 2025: Pediatrics - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - University of Missouri / MSMA Annual Convention Wrap
July/August 2025: Psychiatry - Children's Mercy Hospital - Kansas City
September/October 2025: Family Medicine - University of Missouri - Kansas City
November/December 2025: Annual Advocacy Issue/Open Papers
All articles, editorials, letters, and advertisements published represent the opinions of the authors and advertisers, and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or endorsement of the Missouri State Medical Association or the institution with which the author or product or service is affiliated unless clearly specified. ​Missouri Medicine reserves the right to make the final decision on all content and advertisements.