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Contribute to MSMA's

Missouri State Medical Foundation or

Missouri Medical Political Action Committee


  1. Fill in the required fields. 
  2. Select fund (Missouri State Medical Foundation or Missouri Medical Political Action Committee).
  3. To make payment and complete transaction, click on the Pay button at bottom.
  4. For non-online payment or more information, visit or

Tax Note for MSMF: As required by IRS regulations, we provide the following information: The Missouri State Medical Foundation’s federal tax identification is 43-6033780.  As no goods or services have been provided in connection with this gift, the full amount is deductible to the fullest extent provided by law.

Tax Note for MMPAC: Contributions or gifts to MMPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. MMPAC is a separate segregated fund established by the MSMA. Individual voluntary contributions to MMPAC should be written on personal checks. Contributions received from corporations will be used solely for political education purposes and not deposited in the separate segregated fund. Contributions are not limited to the suggested amount. MSMA will not favor or disadvantage anyone based upon the amounts of or failure to make PAC contributions. Voluntary political contributions which will be used in connection with federal elections are subject to the prohibitions and limitations of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

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This is the email you will use to login to the website as a member.
*Amount ($USD)
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Missouri State Medical Association

113 Madison Street | P.O. Box 1028

Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: (573) 636-5151

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